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BIV Reports

Specialist in Strata Compliance Reports


Building Engineers and Inspectors

Strata Reports


About Us

We have been in the property industry for over 30 years and are experts in providing Strata Compliance Reports including Capital Works Fund Plans, Sinking Fund Plans, Maintenance Fund Plans, Building Insurance Valuations, WHS (Safety) Reports, Asbestos Reports, Lifecycle Reports and Cladding Clearance Certificates.

We provide our clients with the most accurate and practical property reports available, in an Easy to Read Report format.

Our advice is properly researched in detail, and is simply the best available in the market.

We are Registered Valuers (since 1984), licensed Real Estate Agents and are appropriately qualified Asbestos and Work Health and Safety specialists serving the property industry. Our Directors serve on both government and industry committees providing advice on strata and other property issues. We abide by our respective Institutes’ Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics.

Service Areas

All of ACT

All of NSW

All of NT

All of QLD

All of TAS

All of VIC

All of WA

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