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About Us

Stratabox is an online platform that enables committee members, owners, residents and strata managers to efficiently and securely manage their communications and administrative requirements.

Specifically built for strata, it is packed with features that make it unique:

  • Designed with usability in mind
  • A single system to cover all your needs
  • Self service, setup your building in minutes
  • Free setup assistance if required
  • Free all inclusive 3 months trial period
  • Integrated with email, no login required to communicate
  • Default and custom mailing lists
  • Document repository
  • Online pre-meeting voting tool
  • Compliance checklists
  • Surveys
  • Forms and issues workflow tools
  • Shared amenities management and booking system
  • Build and control your scheme’s documentation
  • Fully hosted, secure and accessible 24/7 from anywhere
  • 100% owned, developed and operated in Australia


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