Construction Materials & Durability Consultants

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About Us

BCRC are Australia’s leading construction materials and durability consultants. From the design of new structures, to the restoration of older structures, BCRC specialises across a range of construction materials, including concrete, timber, steel, coatings and brickwork.

As the chosen durability consultants for some of Australia’s largest commercial, industrial, and residential infrastructure projects, BCRC provide practical solutions that minimise lifecycle costs, and ensure the reliable and safe operation of structural assets, whether they are still on the drawing board, or close to the end of their service life.

From single residential dwellings to 50-storey towers, BCRC offers unique technical expertise to help contractors and asset owners of residential strata plans when it comes to inspection, defect analysis, and remedial design, project management, structural repairs, materials and durability planning, as well as litigation, disputes and insurance claims.

With a team of specialist consultants well versed in remedial management works, BCRC work with strata managers and property owners to address the repair, engineering and design requirements for strata complexes.

1. Remedial management services
2. Inspection and structural material analysis
3. Durability modelling
4. Defects liability management
5. Repair specification and design
6. Materials expertise
7. Building dilapidation and forensic reports
8. Tender and contract services

BCRC also specialise in structure repair and cathodic protection design, flammability testing, specialised non-destructive testing, concrete thermal and cracking analysis, metals corrosion, timber assessments, and asset management.

Service Areas

All of NSW

All of QLD

All of VIC

All of WA

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