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Strata Management

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magixstrata is a boutique style strata management business in Perth and is a member of Strata Community Australia Inc., the recognized association for professionals in the field of strata title development and management. The Principal of magixstrata, Marietta Metzger, is a SCA Fellow Strata Community Manager and endorsed by Strata Community Australia Inc. as a qualified person to perform the required tasks involved with the administration of strata titled property.

magixstrata offers comprehensive Strata Management services. We manage strata titled communities and are appointed by owners to look after the legal requirements of a community. This includes managing financials, keeping insurance up to date, looking after repairs and maintenance, collecting levies, conducting meetings and general administrative duties.

Having serviced the industry for nearly 20 years, we are very passionate about strata, about keeping the services offered professional and creating communities where owners know their assets are being protected and people can live in harmony.

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