Owners Corporation Network

The Independent Voice of Strata Owners

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About Us

The Owners Corporation Network exists to help strata owners navigate the complexities of strata living, from social and organisational challenges to financial and legal issues. Our people have first-hand experience of living in strata and the upsides and downsides of this fast-growing residential sector.

We provide a range of services to members and also guidance and education for the wider community on achieving harmonious communal living.

We can help provide strategies for navigating and resolving many of the common issues that arise, whether you live in a strata apartment, villa or townhouse. We also take a pro-active role in advocating the interests of owners, including engaging with government and industry on critical topics such as consumer protection, strata body governance and building defects.

We are fiercely independent and not aligned with any commercial interest – what matters to you as a strata owner or resident is what matters most to us.

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