Strata Guardian

Fight low returns and rising levies with us.



Sales and Investment Services

About Us

Strata Guardian is Australia’s only dedicated investment service for capital works, sinking, maintenance and reserve funds.

We recognise that your Strata or Capital Works Fund is like the superannuation for your building and needs to be managed carefully.

​Your fund comprises of many years of levies from members of the building, to help protect against large costs incurred without needing to be funded by additional contributions.
As bank interest rates have fallen over the years, the common cash account for your building is failing to provide a reasonable rate of return against inflation and in the long term may jeopardise its ability to cover your buildings costs, or mean constant increases in your buildings annual levies.

Strata Guardian invests for the long term in diversified and liquid investments, to grow your building’s capital in a meaningful way and ensure that it is available when required. Our proven, reliable, and simple investment method ensures your building’s capital is always available, whilst still invested to make the most of hard-earned savings. See here for more information on how we invest.

We welcome you to contact us for more information, either by requesting a call back or calling on 1300 482 736. You can also customise and review a portfolio with us, with no obligation to invest, through our secure onboarding portal. We look forward to speaking with you and seeing how we can help the Australian Strata community fight low returns and rising levies.

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